1 cargar
v.1 to load (llenar) (vehículo, arma, cámara).cargar algo de to load something withcargar algo en un barco/en un camión to load something onto a ship/onto a lorrycargar algo demasiado to overload somethingcargar las tintas (figurative) to exaggerate, to lay it on thickPedro cargaba los camiones en la noche Peter loaded up the trucks at night2 to give (responsabilidad, tarea).siempre le cargan de trabajo they always give him far too much work to do3 to charge ( electricity and electronics).Missy cargó la batería Missy charged the battery.Pedro cargó la cuenta Peter charged the account.4 to bug (informal) (molestar). (peninsular Spanish)me carga su pedantería his pretentiousness really gets on my nerves5 to carry, to bear, to take the weight of, to bear in arms.Bernardo cargó a María Bernardo carried Mary.6 to fill, to load.Missy cargó su bolso con recuerdos Missy filled her bag with souvenirs.7 to make heavier by overloading, to overload.La aerolínea cargó el avión The airline overloaded the plane.8 to mount.Cargar el revólver Mount the gun.* * *1 (poner peso) to load2 (arma, máquina de fotos) to load3 ELECTRICIDAD to charge4 (pluma etc) to fill5 (precio) to charge; (en cuenta) to debit■ nos cargaron un 7% de IVA we were charged 7% VAT6 figurado (poner muchas cosas) to fill (de, with), cram (de, with)7 figurado (trabajo) to burden with, lumber with; (responsabilidad) to burden (de, with); (culpa) to put on, lay on9 DERECHO to charge10 INFORMÁTICA to load11 MILITAR to charge1 (gen) to load2 (batería) to charge3 (toro, elefante, etc) to charge4 (atacar) to charge (contra/sobre, -)1 (llenarse) to load oneself (de, with)2 (el cielo) to get cloudy, become overcast3 ELECTRICIDAD to become charged5 familiar (destrozar) to smash, ruin\cargar algo en la cuenta de alguien COMERCIO to debit somebody's account with somethingcargar con alguien figurado to take charge of somebodycargar con la culpa to take the blamecargar con la responsabilidad to take the responsibilitycargar con las consecuencias to suffer the consequencescargar las culpas a alguien to put the blame on somebodycargar las tintas familiar to exaggeratecargarse de algo figurado to weigh oneself down with something, saddle oneself with something, burden oneself with somethingcargarse de paciencia to summon up one's patiencecargárselas familiar to get into trouble■ te las vas a cargar you'll get into trouble, you're in for it* * *verb1) to load2) carry3) charge* * *1. VT1) [+ peso] (=echar) to load; (=llevar) to carry2) (=llenar)a) [+ vehículo, pistola, lavadora, cámara] to loadb) (=llenar de combustible) [+ mechero, pluma] to fill; [+ batería, pilas] to charge; [+ horno] to stokec) [en exceso]has cargado la sopa de sal — you've overdone the salt o put too much salt in the soup
tratamos de no cargar a los alumnos con demasiadas horas de clase — we try not to overburden the students with too many teaching hours
d) [+ imaginación, mente] to fille) (Inform) to load3) (=cobrar)a) [en cuenta] to chargeb) [+ contribución] to charge for; [+ impuesto] to levy4) (=hacer recaer)cargar las culpas (de algo) a algn — to blame sb (for sth), put the blame (for sth) on sb
buscan a alguien a quien cargar la culpa — they are looking for somebody to blame o to put the blame on
cargar la culpabilidad en o sobre algn — to hold sb responsible, put the blame on sb
5) (=agobiar)cargar a algn de algo: el ser campeones nos carga de responsabilidad — being champions places a lot of responsibility on our shoulders
6) (=acusar) to charge, accusecargar algo a algn, cargar a algn con algo — to charge sb with sth, accuse sb of sth
cargar a algn de poco escrupuloso — to accuse sb of being unscrupulous, charge sb with being unscrupulous
7) (=soportar) [+ culpa] to take; [+ responsabilidad] to accept; [+ carga] to shoulder8) * (=fastidiar)esto me carga — this gets on my nerves *, this bugs me *
9) * (=suspender) to fail10) (Mil) (=atacar) to charge, attack11) (Náut) [+ vela] to take in12) [+ dados] to load13) LAm (=llevar)¿cargas dinero? — have you got any money on you?
2. VI1) (=echar carga) (Aut) to load up; (Náut) to take on cargo2)cargar con —
a) [+ objeto] (=levantar) to pick up; (=llevar) to carryb) [+ culpa, responsabilidad] to take; [+ consecuencias] to suffer3) (=atacar)cargar sobre algn — (=presionar) to urge sb, press sb; (=molestar) to pester sb
4) (=apoyarse)cargar en o sobre algo — [persona] to lean on o against sth; [muro, bóveda] to rest on sth, be supported by sth
5) (Ling) [acento] to fall (en, sobre on)6) (Meteo) to turn, veer (a to) ( hacia towards)3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) <barco/avión/camión> to loadb) <pistola/escopeta> to load; <pluma/encendedor> to fill; < cámara> to load, put a film inc) (Elec) to charge2)a) < mercancías> to loadb) < combustible> to fueltengo que cargar nafta — (RPl) I have to fill up with gasoline (AmE) o (BrE) petrol
c) (Inf) to load3)a) ( de obligaciones)b) < culpa> (+ me/te/le etc)me cargaron la culpa — they put o laid the blame on me
4) ( llevar)a) <paquetes/bolsas> to carry; < niño> (AmL) to carryb) (AmL exc RPl) < armas> to carryc) (Ven fam) ( llevar puesto) to wear; ( tener consigo)5) ( a una cuenta) to chargeme lo cargaron en cuenta or lo cargaron a mi cuenta — they charged it to my account
6)a) (Esp fam) profesor to fail, flunk (AmE colloq)b) (Méx fam) ( matar) to kill2.cargar vi1)a) ( con un bulto)b) ( con responsabilidad)cargar con algo: tiene que cargar con todo el peso de la casa she has to shoulder all the responsibility for the household; acabó cargando con la culpa — he ended up taking the blame
2) tropas/policía3) batería to charge4) (fam) (+ me/te/le etc) ( fastidiar)5)a) pilas/flash to charge; partícula to become chargedb) (de peso, obligaciones)cargarse de algo: no te cargues de equipaje don't take too much luggage; cargarse de responsabilidades to take on a lot of responsibilities; se cargó de deudas he saddled himself with debts; ya se ha cargado de hijos — she's had too many children
6)a) (fam) ( matar) to killcargársela(s) — (fam)
te la vas a cargar — you'll be in trouble (colloq)
* * *= encumber, upload, load, burden, debit, charge.Ex. If the copy price is entered, the system will encumber the appropriate binding fund.Ex. Once the data has been edited, the user can go online again to upload this amended file to the host computer.Ex. This article describes the functionality of CARL software for this purpose, loads a brief rundown of data bases, and gives the criteria for selecting data bases.Ex. Libraries that aren't burdened by millions of volumes do not need subject heading lists prepared for million-volume libraries.Ex. An acquisitions file is intended to indicate the status of each title on order, together with information on its ordering (supplier, date etc., for whom it was ordered, and the heading or budget to which the cost is to be debited).Ex. Each donkey drawn cart is provided with a solar unit installed on the roof; a battery charged by this solar energy supplies the electric power.----* acabar cargando con Algo = wind up with + Nombre.* cargar con = saddle with.* cargar con ello = live with it.* cargar con la responsabilidad = shoulder + the burden, shoulder + the responsibility.* cargar con las consecuencias = bear + the consequences, live with + the consequences.* cargar de electricidad = charge with + electricity.* cargar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.* cargar el muerto = pass + the bucket.* cargar información = load + information.* que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.* tener que cargar con = be stuck with, saddle with, get + stuck with.* tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.* tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.* volver a cargar = reload.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) <barco/avión/camión> to loadb) <pistola/escopeta> to load; <pluma/encendedor> to fill; < cámara> to load, put a film inc) (Elec) to charge2)a) < mercancías> to loadb) < combustible> to fueltengo que cargar nafta — (RPl) I have to fill up with gasoline (AmE) o (BrE) petrol
c) (Inf) to load3)a) ( de obligaciones)b) < culpa> (+ me/te/le etc)me cargaron la culpa — they put o laid the blame on me
4) ( llevar)a) <paquetes/bolsas> to carry; < niño> (AmL) to carryb) (AmL exc RPl) < armas> to carryc) (Ven fam) ( llevar puesto) to wear; ( tener consigo)5) ( a una cuenta) to chargeme lo cargaron en cuenta or lo cargaron a mi cuenta — they charged it to my account
6)a) (Esp fam) profesor to fail, flunk (AmE colloq)b) (Méx fam) ( matar) to kill2.cargar vi1)a) ( con un bulto)b) ( con responsabilidad)cargar con algo: tiene que cargar con todo el peso de la casa she has to shoulder all the responsibility for the household; acabó cargando con la culpa — he ended up taking the blame
2) tropas/policía3) batería to charge4) (fam) (+ me/te/le etc) ( fastidiar)5)a) pilas/flash to charge; partícula to become chargedb) (de peso, obligaciones)cargarse de algo: no te cargues de equipaje don't take too much luggage; cargarse de responsabilidades to take on a lot of responsibilities; se cargó de deudas he saddled himself with debts; ya se ha cargado de hijos — she's had too many children
6)a) (fam) ( matar) to killcargársela(s) — (fam)
te la vas a cargar — you'll be in trouble (colloq)
* * *= encumber, upload, load, burden, debit, charge.Ex: If the copy price is entered, the system will encumber the appropriate binding fund.
Ex: Once the data has been edited, the user can go online again to upload this amended file to the host computer.Ex: This article describes the functionality of CARL software for this purpose, loads a brief rundown of data bases, and gives the criteria for selecting data bases.Ex: Libraries that aren't burdened by millions of volumes do not need subject heading lists prepared for million-volume libraries.Ex: An acquisitions file is intended to indicate the status of each title on order, together with information on its ordering (supplier, date etc., for whom it was ordered, and the heading or budget to which the cost is to be debited).Ex: Each donkey drawn cart is provided with a solar unit installed on the roof; a battery charged by this solar energy supplies the electric power.* acabar cargando con Algo = wind up with + Nombre.* cargar con = saddle with.* cargar con ello = live with it.* cargar con la responsabilidad = shoulder + the burden, shoulder + the responsibility.* cargar con las consecuencias = bear + the consequences, live with + the consequences.* cargar de electricidad = charge with + electricity.* cargar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.* cargar el muerto = pass + the bucket.* cargar información = load + information.* que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.* tener que cargar con = be stuck with, saddle with, get + stuck with.* tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.* tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.* volver a cargar = reload.* * *cargar [A3 ]vtA1 ‹barco/avión/camión› to loadcargaron el camión con 20 toneladas de fruta they loaded the truck with 20 tons of fruit, they loaded 20 tons of fruit onto the truck2 ‹pistola/escopeta› to load; ‹pluma/encendedor› to fill; ‹cámara› to load, put a film incargó la lavadora he loaded the washing machine, he put the washing in the machinecargué la estufa de leña I put some wood in the stove, I filled the stove with woodno cargues tanto ese baúl don't put so much into that trunk, don't fill that trunk so full3 ‹batería/pila› to charge; ‹condensador/partícula› to chargeB1 ‹mercancías› to loadcargaron los muebles en el camión they loaded the furniture into/onto the truck2 ‹combustible› to fuelel avión hizo escala en Roma para cargar combustible the plane stopped in Rome to refuelC1 (de obligaciones) cargar a algn DE algo to burden sb WITH sthlo cargaron de responsabilidades they gave him a lot of responsibility o burdened him with responsibility2 ‹culpa› (+ me/te/le etc):quieren cargarme la culpa de lo que pasó they're trying to put o lay the blame on me o they're trying to blame me for what happened3D (llevar)1 ‹paquetes/bolsas› to carry; ‹niño› ( AmL) to carryte cargo en mi mente ( liter); you're in my thoughts2¿cargas carro? do you have the car with you?3 ( Chi) ‹armas› to carrycargaba una camisa azul he was wearing a blue shirtsiempre carga una sonrisa de felicidad she always wears o has a happy smilecarga una fama de ladrón he has a reputation as a thiefE (a una cuenta) to chargeme lo cargaron en cuenta or lo cargaron a mi cuenta they charged it to my accountFlo cargan porque está tan gordo they tease him o ( colloq) poke fun at him because he's so fatsabía que me estaban cargando I knew they were pulling my leg ( colloq), I knew they were putting ( AmE) o ( BrE) having me on ( colloq)G «toro» to mount, cover■ cargarviA1 (con un bulto) cargar CON algo to carry sth2 (con una responsabilidad) cargar CON algo:tiene que cargar con todo el peso de la casa she has to shoulder all the responsibility for the householdvaya a donde vaya tiene que cargar con los niños wherever she goes she has to take the children with heracabó cargando con la culpa he ended up taking the blame3 ( Arquit) cargar SOBRE algo to rest ON sthla cúpula carga sobre estas cuatro columnas the dome rests on o is supported by these four columns4 ( Indum):cargar a la derecha/izquierda to dress to the right/leftB1 «tropas/policía» to charge cargar CONTRA algn to charge ON o AT sbla policía cargó contra los manifestantes the police charged on o at the demonstrators2 «toro» to chargeC «batería» to chargeD ( fam) (+ me/te/le etc)(fastidiar): me cargan los fanfarrones como él I can't stand show-offs like him, show-offs like him really annoy me o ( colloq) get on my nervesme carga levantarme temprano I hate o can't stand getting up early■ cargarseA1 «pilas/flash» to charge; «partícula» to become charged2 (de peso, obligaciones) cargarse DE algo:no te cargues de equipaje don't take too much luggage, don't weigh yourself down with luggagese había cargado de responsabilidades he had taken on a lot of responsibilitiesse cargó de deudas he saddled himself with debts, he got deep into debta los pocos años ya se había cargado de hijos within a few years she already had several childrenBse han cargado el pueblo they've ruined the villagecargársela(s) ( fam): si no me dices dónde está te las vas a cargar if you don't tell me where it is you'll be for it o you'll get what for o you'll be in trouble ( colloq)1 (inclinarse, propender) cargarse A algo:se cargan a la flojera they tend to be lazy2 (favorecer) cargarse PARA algn to favor* sb* * *
cargar ( conjugate cargar) verbo transitivo
no cargues tanto el coche don't put so much in the car
‹pluma/encendedor› to fill;
‹ cámara› to load, put a film inc) (Elec) to charge
◊ tengo que cargar nafta (RPl) I have to fill up with gasoline (AmE) o (BrE) petrolc) (Inf) to load
3 ( de obligaciones) cargar a algn de algo to burden sb with sth;◊ me cargaron la culpa they put o laid the blame on me
‹ niño› (AmL) to carry
( tener consigo):
5 ( a una cuenta) to charge
6 (Méx fam) ( matar) to kill
verbo intransitivo
1 cargar con algo ‹ con bulto› to carry sth;◊ tiene que cargar con todo el peso de la casa she has to shoulder all the responsibility for the household
2 cargar contra algn [tropas/policía] to charge on o at sb
3 [ batería] to charge
4 (fam) ( fastidiar):
cargarse verbo pronominal
[ partícula] to become chargedb) cargarse de algo ‹de bolsas/equipaje› to load oneself down with sth;
‹ de responsabilidades› to take on a lot of sth;
‹ de deudas› to saddle oneself with sth
‹ jarrón› to smash
I verbo transitivo
1 to load: cargó al niño en brazos, she took the boy in her arms
2 (un mechero, una pluma) to fill
3 (poner carga eléctrica) to charge
4 (atribuir algo negativo) cargar a alguien con las culpas, to put the blame on sb
le cargan la responsabilidad a su padre, they put the blame on his father
5 Com to charge: cárguelo a mi cuenta, charge it to my account
6 familiar Educ to fail
II verbo intransitivo
1 (soportar, hacerse cargo) to lumber [con, with]: carga con la casa y con la suegra, she has to do all the housework as well as having to take care of her mother-in-law
figurado cargar con las consecuencias, to suffer the consequences
2 (llevar un peso) to carry: siempre carga con lo más pesado, he always takes the heaviest
3 (arremeter, atacar) to charge [contra, against]
' cargar' also found in these entries:
- pila
- tinta
- muerto
- charge
- debit
- download
- hump
- land
- load
- load up
- lumber
- shoulder
- weigh down
- bear
- boot
- carry
- cart
- encumber
- pin
- rap
- recharge
- top
- up
* * *♦ vt1. [vehículo] to load;cargar algo de to load sth with;cargar algo en un barco/en un camión to load sth onto a ship/onto a truck o Br lorry;cargaron la furgoneta con cajas they loaded the van up with boxes;cargar algo demasiado to overload sth2. [arma, cámara] to load;[pluma, mechero] to refill; RP [tanque] to fill (up);ha cargado el guiso de sal he's put too much salt in the stew, he's overdone the salt in the stew;cargar las tintas to exaggerate, to lay it on thick3. [peso encima] to throw over one's shoulder;cargué la caja a hombros I carried the box on my shoulder4. Elec to chargeme carga su pedantería his pretentiousness really gets on my nerves;me carga tener que aguantarlo it bugs the hell out of me that I have to put up with him6. [adeudar] [importe, factura, deuda] to charge (a to);cargar un impuesto a algo/alguien to tax sth/sb;cargar algo a alguien en su cuenta to charge sth to sb's account;no me han cargado todavía el recibo de la luz the payment for the electricity bill still hasn't gone through;cargar de más to overcharge;cargar de menos to undercharge7. [responsabilidad, tarea] to give;siempre lo cargan de trabajo they always give him far too much work to do;le cargaron la culpa a ella they laid o put the blame on her8. [producir pesadez] [sujeto: olor] to make stuffy;[sujeto: comida] to bloat;el humo ha cargado la habitación the atmosphere in the room is thick with smoke9. Informát to load12. RP Fam [bromear][llevar puesto] to wear, to have on;José se casó – ¡me estás cargando! José got married – you're having me on o you're kidding!cargar una pistola to carry a gun;cargar anteojos to wear specs;cargar un niño [en brazos] to carry a child;[de la mano] to lead a child by the hand;no cargo carro hoy I haven't got my wheels today;aún cargo aquella imagen conmigo I can still picture the scene;carga siempre una cara triste he always has a sad face on him;carga una gran pena he's sick at heart;carga dolor de espalda she has a bad back;cargamos fama de deshonestos we have a name for being dishonest15. Chile, Perú [atacar] to attack♦ vi1.[coste, responsabilidad] to bear; [consecuencias] to accept; [culpa] to get;cargar con [paquete, bulto] to carry;cargué con todos los paquetes I carried all the packages;hoy me toca a mí cargar con los niños it's my turn to look after the children today2.cargar contra [atacar] to charge;la policía cargó contra los alborotadores the police charged (at) the rioters;Depcargar contra alguien to brush sb aside, to push sb [with one's body]3.Arquit to lean o rest on;cargar sobre [acento] to fall on;cargar sobre alguien [recaer] to fall on sb;el pelotón cargó sobre la posición enemiga the platoon charged the enemy position;la bóveda carga sobre cuatro pilares the vault is supported by four pillars4. [toro] to charge5. [tormenta] to turn, to veer6. Elec to charge;esta batería ya no carga this battery won't charge any more8. RP Fam [intentar seducir]se pasó la noche cargando he spent the night Br trying to get off with someone o US hitting on people* * *I v/t3 COM charge (en to);cargar algo en cuenta a alguien charge sth to s.o.’s account4 L.Am. ( traer) carry5:esto me carga L.Am. I can’t stand thisII v/i2 ( fastidiar) be annoying3:cargar con algo carry sth;cargar con la culpa fig shoulder the blame;tuvo que cargar con toda la familia durante las vacaciones I had the whole family to contend with during the vacation4:cargar contra alguien MIL, DEP charge (at) s.o.* * *cargar {52} vt1) : to carry2) : to load, to fill3) : to chargecargar vi1) : to load2) : to rest (in architecture)3)cargar sobre : to fall upon* * *cargar vb1. (vehículo, mercancías, arma, etc) to load¿sabes cargar la cámara? do you know how to load the film?2. (pluma) to fill3. (pila) to chargecargar con (llevar) to carry [pt. & pp. carried] (responsabilidad) to take on [pt. took; pp. taken] / to shoulder
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